Sunday, 15 July 2018

I have a plan...!

I have a plan!

All I have to do, is avoid the the bloody Pterosaurs and wait...

It's so simple I don't know why I didn't think of it before!

Actually, I don't know how long I've been in here... I don't actually know if time passes in here... so I may have thought of this brilliant idea really quickly after all! Yay me!

But I digress... all I have to do, is wait. Wait until I* stick my head down into the Event Waistband, and scramble up it and away!

I know it will work, as that's how I ended up in here....

Hmmm... I may have to think this through.

No rush, I have plenty of time.


* I, being previous me, a short time** ago. No paradox there, surely...

** Time, being what it is, What it is, I have no idea... or how long it was ago. Or will be, eh....